January 07, 2014
Different Types of Calls, One Tariff
Convergenze S.p.A. is proud to announce that, from 01 Jan. 2014, there will be just one tariff for all types of call, be they to mobile or landline numbers.
Please check out our voice services, ConVoIP, ConWLR and ConULL or call our toll-free numb...
December 30, 2013
Mandatory Migration of National Payment Methods to the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA)
Convergenze S.p.A. informs you that the EU Regulation 260/2012 establishes, by 1 February 2014, the mandatory exchange of the service of national direct debit schemes with the adoption of the new Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) method of payment, cal...
July 08, 2013
Convergenze Has A New Website!
We are very proud to introduce our new website, www.convergenze.it, now visible on smartphones and tablets. Aside from an updated look, the new website features a new, easier way to sift through
our wide range of services.
Check it out, and then fi...