Convergenze S.p.A. informs you that the EU Regulation 260/2012 establishes, by 1 February 2014, the mandatory exchange of the service of national direct debit schemes with the adoption of the new Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) method of payment, called SEPA Direct Debit (S.D.D.) All authorizations to bill an account (R.I.D., bank and postal domiciliation) for the collection of direct periodical charges according to a national scheme, issued to the beneficiary of the payment before 01 February 2014, will remain in effect after that date. Convergenze S.p.A., as beneficiary of the payment, will start using the new SEPA Direct Debit, but will keep the previous and current R.I.D. domiciliations already arranged with its customers, and therefore will not change their current method of payment. In case the payments were made from an account belonging to someone that is not the holder of the subscription contract with Convergenze S.p.A., please forward this announcement to them. For further information on SEPA and the new European method of payment, please contact any local bank and / or any branch of Poste Italiane, or visit the official website of Banca d' Italia,